Numerical analysis of the energy efficiency measures for improving the truck cabin thermal performance

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Imre Gellai
Mirza Popovac
Milan Kardos
Dragan Simic


This paper presents the numerical analysis of the thermal performance of a truck cabin. The results obtained for a standard truck cabin setup are compared to the configurations with energy saving measures implemented. As a very promising energy efficiency measure, the application of the infrared panels is considered. Based on the radiative heat transfer mechanism, the infrared panels influence directly all inner cabin surfaces. This includes also the truck cabin occupants, whose perception of the indoor comfort reaches neutral values much faster and at lower ambient air temperatures. As a result, there is much lower energy demand for the cabin heating, required for maintaining the desired indoor comfort. The preliminary numerical analysis indicate the energy saving potential of around 30% for this innovative cabin thermal concept, as compared to the original energy demand for the traditional cabin heating configuration.

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How to Cite
Numerical analysis of the energy efficiency measures for improving the truck cabin thermal performance. (2024). Engineering Modelling, Analysis and Simulation, 2(1).

How to Cite

Numerical analysis of the energy efficiency measures for improving the truck cabin thermal performance. (2024). Engineering Modelling, Analysis and Simulation, 2(1).


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