Microscopic and macroscopic modeling of linear viscoelastic vibration behavior of short fiber reinforced plastics

Main Article Content

A. Kriwet
F. Urban
D. Er
M. Stommel
P. Middendorf


More and more components made of short-fiber reinforced plastics are being used in modern powertrains. A reason for this is the good acoustic properties due to the lower stiffness and higher damping compared to classic metallic materials. To meet the increased customer demand regarding the acoustic sound comfort of internal combustion or electric powertrains, it is necessary to precisely predict the vibration behavior of components that are responsible for the transmission of structure-borne noise into the vehicle structure. Today’s simulations often cannot satisfactorily predict the actual vibration behavior of short-fiber reinforced plastics. The required material data, in particular damping, is often obtained from static tests or considered unknown. Frequency-dependent material properties are required for a reliable prediction of the special viscoelastic properties of the short-fiber reinforced plastics. By means of a new test method based on flexural resonance vibrations, viscoelastic material data can be characterized in a frequency range between 100 Hz and 10 kHz, considering environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity. Using these material data, a simulation of the structural dynamic behavior can be performed using either of two modeling approaches: microscopic or macroscopic. The basis is the orientation of the fibers from an injection molding simulation. The microscopic modeling approach uses a two-step homogenization of the properties of the matrix, fiber and matrix-fiber-interphase followed by a spatial discretization into material databases, whilst the macroscopic modeling approach uses a one-step homogenization based on directly measured viscoelastic material data with different fiber orientation. The necessary assumptions and challenges are discussed to categorize the usage of the models in proper cases.

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How to Cite
Microscopic and macroscopic modeling of linear viscoelastic vibration behavior of short fiber reinforced plastics. (2024). Engineering Modelling, Analysis and Simulation, 1. https://doi.org/10.59972/kp48t0yu

How to Cite

Microscopic and macroscopic modeling of linear viscoelastic vibration behavior of short fiber reinforced plastics. (2024). Engineering Modelling, Analysis and Simulation, 1. https://doi.org/10.59972/kp48t0yu


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